Host a local swap meet for your hobby with Swaptagon.

It's the most efficient way to trade, buy, and sell items within a community of hobbyists. Host your own event on Swaptagon now - for free!

Chain of people

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Trading the old-fashioned way is difficult.

The problem with traditional trading/bartering has always been its reliance on a coincidence of wants, where both parties happen to want what the other is offering.

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Swaptagon to the rescue!

With Swaptagon, trades are not confined to just two people. When more people are involved, Swaptagon finds the most optimal way to get everyone what they want.

Trade Efficiently

  • A modern, efficient way to barter, buy, and sell.
  • Much higher success rates than traditional swap meets, flea markets, garage sales, and other online markets.
  • Instead of picking up/dropping off items all over town, do it all at once, in one place.
  • Only bring the items that traded/sold - leave the rest at home.

Reduce Consumption

  • Trade stuff you don't need and pass it along to people who actually want it.
  • Prolong the usefulness of things.
  • Get previously owned items locally instead of buying them new.
  • No shipping involved.
  • Save money.

Have Fun!

  • Meet local people who share your hobby.
  • Relaxed pace. No “first come, first serve” selling where the fastest buyer always wins.
  • No awkward haggling. No buyers trying to undercut your prices. You always get your asking price, or more.
  • No risk. Your items only trade for exactly what you want, or don't trade at all.

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Host your own swap meet event with Swaptagon!

You decide where and when, and Swapagon will take care of the rest.

Illustrations © Fanni Mézes